Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012

Mogumber Mission Farm

Heute haben wir mal wieder einen schönen Tgesausflug gemacht, anstatt wie sonst immer nur zuhause rumzugammeln. Außerdem konnten wir dann gleich mal testen, ob Flo das Auto auch wieder anständig zusammengebaut hat. Ich wollte ja die ganze Zeit zum ehemaligen Moore River Native Settlement, seitdem ich letztens das Buch über Aborigine-Politik in den 30ern und 40ern gelesen habe.

Hier ein kurzer historischer Überblick (aus Wikipedia):

The Moore River Native Settlement was the name of the now defunct Aboriginal settlement and internment camp.
The settlement was opened by the Government of Western Australia in 1918. It was originally intended to be a small, self-supporting farming settlement for 200 Aborigines, with schooling and health facilities available for the children and employment opportunities for the adults. The settlement was supposed to accommodate Aborigines mainly drawn from the Murchison, Midlands and south-west regions of Western Australia.
The ambition to turn the settlement into a farming community failed because the land was unsuitable for cultivation. During the 1920s its purpose shifted: Residents were usually brought there against their will as the camp attempted to fulfil the broader functions of orphanage, creche, relief depot and home for old persons, unmarried mothers, and the unwell. It also housed many "half-caste" (mixed-race) children. Many of the Aboriginal and mixed-race children were sent to Moore River, usually against their will, as part of the Stolen Generations
By the mid-1920s conditions in the institution had declined significantly as overcrowding and poor sanitation were the norm, with many health problems being reported amongst its inmates. From 1924, the settlement had an average population of 300 and its buildings were becoming dilapidated. By 1933 the Aboriginal population at the institution had risen to over 500.

 und hier ein kleiner Bericht von anderen Deutschen, die da auch letztes Jahr erst waren:

Es war auf jeden Fall ganz schön unheimlig in so einer Geisterstadt rumzulaufen. Die Häuser waren alle total verwinkelt und man hatte immer Angst wenn man 'ne Tür aufgemacht hat, dass da gleich jemand hintersteht und man vor Schreck stirbt.  

Und das Auto hat auch durchgehalten und wird somit für repariert erklärt!

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